This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I see a post in Spanish.
I don't think that was the first non-English post, but I am certain it won't be the last.
What's the plan on SN being able to accommodate other languages? Different subs, or maybe a Translate Text button, or ???
Probably different subs and then translation so we can "travel" to other communities.
I'm so optimistic about the future if it was only up to bitcoiners, yet I know we are a small subset of the human population which is why I'm simultaneously depressed. Are we orange pilling fast enough?
We can’t orange pill fast enough.
I'm squeezing it in as many conversations in my day. is my go to example when it comes to property and identity. I can be rewarded for contributions without having to use my identity. This is such a powerful realisation. We don't need to go down the path of digital identity the way the State envisages it. 🤯
I finished reading the Unapologetic Freedom book by Justin Rezvani (Zion creator). Decent book for nocoiners. Seasoned bitcoiners can skip this. The way it’s written I think the target audience is a high school junior.
Bitcoin 2022 was such a great experience! Talks were good - I caught up on some of those on the flight - but especially the community, the Open Source stage group, the fact that almost everyone around you takes Bitcoin as the normal thing. As I always do, I constructively complained to multiple companies and projects about their UX, but they were always eager to listen, which almost surprised me - and it looks like some great things will maybe come out of that :)
Thanks everyone!
Did you go alone?
With Bitcoiners you never go alone :)
All I know is he doesn’t like hugs 😂
I do like hugs! :) I was just a bit drunk and truly entertained by how you two were trying to synchronize who puts their arm on top :D
Metaphorically, architecturally, is lightning's solution-space widening beyond payments? Could that be defined as spam-proof secret-sharing? Or is that flawed?
I think so. I’m mostly interested in what lightning does beyond payments even though that’s it’s killer feature.
By secret sharing do you mean something specific?
Nah, nothing specific.
By secret, I just mean, anything that:
  • the sender wants to send but keep hidden
  • the recipient doesn't have prior knowledge
I'm just zooming out. Trying to do a SWOT analysis across the evolving technology development. If the opportunity set for LN is expanding, it boosts the value of everything else being built on LN.