My nickname has given game! 😂🤣
At first, when I started buying all the shitcoin I saw on the market, I thought that the crypto part of my nickname was precisely because of cryptocurrencies.
Over time, and after further developing the spiritual side, I have seen that it has to do with encryption and decryption, in general.
Not only in the field of computing, which uses so many types of cryptography (secp256k1, ECDSA, Schnorr, ECC, SHA-2, CSPRNG, HMAC, AES, etc.), but also in the field of Akasha, where I translate the messages that come to me for the people to whom I do soul readings (channellings).
I had been reading posts from Stacker.News behind the shadows for months, and yesterday I jumped to create my account and comment.
Today, I can only say: thank you all for the warm welcome! 🤗
Regarding the question that @ekzyis has asked, I totally agree. Simply saying that everything starts with oneself.
That is to say, if each one of us assumes the correct use of words, in general, for any moment, we will see the magic they possess, and how, with time, people around us, who misused the use and meaning of those words, come to use them correctly.