Is there already an RSS extension to specify LN addresses in RSS feeds?
Or something else people already do?
Here's what the guys at Alby say:
One option is to create a new namespace or expand the existing one. However, an alternative approach could be to leverage the RSS namespace extension for podcasting, which already includes the necessary tags. For instance, the value tag can be used to define the payment method and recipient, while the new medium tag allows for easy differentiation of content types, such as "blogpost", "newsletter", "video", or "music", as specified values. This approach streamlines the implementation process, utilizing existing infrastructure and established standards.
Maybe something like:
<podcast:value type="lightning" method="address" suggested="0.00000006900"> <podcast:valueRecipient name="ejzys" type="address" split="95" address="ekzyis
I believe you just described nostr
But am I wrong tho? I've always said nostr is just a reimplementation of RSS
I am not sure haha
Basically this:
Ah, I see, thanks!
But looks like they created this specifically for podcasts. Not sure if I should use that for SN RSS feeds
I use it for PeerTube RSS feeds in the Lightening plugin. it's not a perfect fit but works. The main issue I see with using it for SN is that its current implementation is keysend payment focussed with the type 'node', SN Lightening addresses were lnurl only last I checked , so you might need to extend it a bit by using a different type. Still better to work within an existing framework rather than starting from scratch.