I agree about SN model I think with Nostr will be a game changer. I have seen bad reviews of Lemmy because it's nature using ActivityPub and people disliking the developer because his communist ideas. You can ask for invite at invites@tildes.net, I can't pm invites here in SN.
Cool! I actually wasn't familiar with tildes.net, I thought by "tildes" that you meant the tildeverse. Looks cool though, I'm going to check it out.
I didn't realize that the guy behind ActivityPub was a communist. I did briefly run my own mastodon instance out of curiosity, but I noticed that other instances had very strict moderation policies and would blacklist other instances that didn't have the same or similar policies. It also seemed that a lot of users were refugees from Twitter because they didn't like Musk's position on free speech, which I found to be a bizarre reason to flee to a less centralized, more open platform. I'm definitely a huge fan of free speech so I found that somewhat discouraging.
Oh I meant Lemmy's developer is accused as communist and other ideas American lefties dislike. I agree I am still using Twitter and still working fine, even community notes are a huge welcome.