Change your thinking.
Instead of “how much bitcoin do I need?” Ask “how much fiat am I forced to have?”
Budget: 1.Fiat bills: Have a fixed amount of fiat each month for your fiat bills. 2. Emergency fund: keep this fund in lightning or fiat, so it is available to use quickly. Build it up to a set amount and replenish if needed- set whatever amount is appropriate for you and your family. 3. Discretionary spending: hold these funds on lightning. 4. Savings: long term cold storage on chain.
Holding your discretionary funds on lightning really puts spending into perspective- “will I go for drinks or keep my 150,000 sats instead?” Etc.
Fixing the amount of fiat you need makes all additional funds (work commission/incentives, odd jobs) available for saving.
And try to go to places that take lightning/bitcoin -->
The whole idea is to NOT offramp at all