I think this is a really good idea. And I think it could work with enough community support, and with donations from people like Jack.
The cell phone industry is difficult. It requires a lot of relationships and deals with suppliers. A lot of software and hardware integrations. It would be very difficult to do. Then again, there are a lot of successful open source projects that people originally said would never work. Bitcoin itself being a good example of such a thing.
Yeah, there is something to "us" being able to afford it.
Personally I think it's time to go L4 microkernel instead of Linux monolith and adapt the OS for today's adversarial environment. Maybe along the lines of RedoxOS but without as many unsafe {} blocks.
Not try to support all kinds of different hardware, just focus on one configuration to begin with.
We would have to accept not having many apps and having less slick UI for a long time. And also plan ahead for how to manage a possible onslaught of patent lawsuits from both Apple & Google.