I really hope Strike is able to survive to the point of hyperbitcoinization. They seem to have solid fundamentals and Mallers really seems to be invested in the mission. Let's see how much of that $60 billion remittance market we can capture in sats
Mallers also seems a great ambassador for Bitcoin.
Seems smart, polite, never gets fazed by questions, young and super laid back.
The lady interviewers seem to like their encounters with him too!
Opinions of Strike? Bitso (a Mexican exchange) sleeps hard on Lighting 🤦.
I have it on good authority that options are strangely limited in Mexico for some reason.
I like them in the US mostly because the exchange fees are really low. I also think their latest redesign was a big upgrade on UX.
Yeah I tested it and there is no option to deposit to Mexican bank. Who knows 🤷‍♂️
I like the no-BS UX they have