• Monday was meetings, administrative catch up, and merging/refinining PRs mostly
  • Yesterday I continued working on booger attempting to get it into a state where I can compile it into a single executable
    • I ended up having to write my own db migration logic so that migrations could be specified as strings and embedded in the executable.
    • Most of what's left is figuring out how to embed the builtin workers and streamlining configuration UX
    • My goal is to make installing and running it as pleb friendly as possible while also kicking ass
  • Then I'll begin deploying. I'm going to try deploying through containers this go around. 🤞
Booger compiles now! ... It embeds the sql migrations and with a recent release of deno also embeds the builtin web workers (aka booger plugs).
Now I just need to refine config and we should be good for a v0 release.