The last tech product that went from zero to one for me were probably AirPods.
Best device I bought was my electromagnetic measuring device to see what radiated the most 2.4-5ghz radiation. Airpods were a quick shot to the garbage bin after that!
Did that too.
And i checked my Macbook A/C Adapter today for EMF - pretty terrible, even worse when the usb power cord is attached. So i work in battery only mode now and think about getting a new notebook.
Do you know any brands which have low EMF emissions?
Can you ELI5 about EMF emissions?
EMF emissions can influence the cells in your body in many ways, not only high frequency waves but also low frequency waves like the 50/60 hertz coming from our electric system.
If you want to go down that rabbit hole - read "The Body Electric" by Robert O. Becker, it is mindblowing.
Didn't know about that
Interested too
What's the issue with 2.4-5GHz radiation? Are you talking about SAR?
The issue is we dont have safety data on its effects on the human body. Someone sued the FCC last year (?) Or year before and they had to admit that WiFi/5g hasn't had sufficient testing done. One big experiment
I have heard it is safe and effective, at least 95%
And if you get any symptoms, the people without 5G are the problem.