No matter what you're studying, simply do these three things:
  • Read about it
  • Write about it
  • Talk about it
You approach the subject from three different perspectives:
  • From the teacher
  • From yourself
  • From the audience
You'll crystallize your understanding of the subject in ways that aren't possible otherwise.
Why I love stacker news? We can do all three here
Finally, Build with it.
This is the way! Use that knowledge (even if it’s small) and get your hands dirty making something.
It takes abstract ideas and turns them into experience points.
add "from multiple perspectives" to each of those points
Spaced repetition on keywords and concepts, practiced daily over a long period of time, will do wonders.
I like Jim Kwik's acronym FAST Forget what you think you know. Forget about urgent things bothering you. Active learning, do it, build it, try it, experiment with it. State of mind and mood, it doesn't help if you are angry to try learn anything. Teach it to someone else.