But if you have your own node, why bother with WoS and submarine swaps? This is maybe the thing that deserves some tomatoes. No inbound liquidity? You can buy at amboss for example, quickly checked and saw offers with 0.25% (= 2500 ppm) price. Boltz costs you 0.5%. I though about privacy of both methods, and not sure, it could be better with WoS + Boltz. If you just receive by lightning and then close channels, you sort of reveal to payers which UTXOs are yours. Not exactly, closing channel produces 2 UTXOs and only one of them is yours. With WoS+Boltz, payers have no idea, WoS or Boltz individually know little, useful info is only revelead if they cooperate or are coerced/subpoenated.
I'm running my node on VM which is not 24/7 online (during vacation I might close the channels). This is not a problem for my btc full node, but I face a risk of getting force closed, that's why my lnd node is only to experiment and learn and I have only private channels.
Regarding privacy: I'm using a VPN and of course anon email to "register" the WoS for backup purposes. Not perfect but a least the overall privacy is good with WoS + Boltz.
not having node online 24/7 is not necessarily a problem, especially if you buy your channels and do not route (impossible with only private channels anyway). The seller is supposed to keep that channel open during the agreed-upon period, even if you go offline. So the only arguments against this are some inconvenience/extra work and unfamiliarity, and perhaps privacy.
But ok, not throwing any fruit or vegetable, just pointing out there may be better ways, worth of considering at least.