The current release of CivKit Node is CLI-only and focuses on implementing basic NIP 01 support. However, it contains several bugs and unfinished tasks, and extensive testing across different platforms is yet to be conducted. A sample Nostr client binary is available for deployment and testing purposes, along with a utility binary that manages the node through a gRPC interface. This interface serves as a foundation for developing one or more GUI applications, which has been a consistent request from the community.
An experimental integration with BOLT8 Noise transport, made possible by LDK, allows for peer connections between CivKit Nodes. The goal is to establish a unified communication infrastructure for Nostr and Lightning, creating a single market for peer-to-peer service providers like watchtowers, state backups, and boards. This integration facilitates collaboration on spam mitigation, robust cryptography (such as onion routing), and the preservation of privacy and monetary credentials
Amazing! :)