quality contribution, big thanks for taking the time, and sharing your results
software development is inherently imperfect, mistakes happen all the time, the best you can do is design reliable systems
and it seems here, their system is working as it should (minus some fine tuning in the past)- my faith in coinkite has only increased, and I'm grateful to wallet scrutiny for bringing it (and themselves) to our attention.
More hodlers should be cognizant of this whole topic area imho
Your faith in coinkite has only increased? Really? You should probably read the tweets by NVK with all the gaslighting, bullying, and eventual threatening to sue WalletScrutiny. My faith in them went down the drain with their responses.
I don't do twatter
what you're saying doesn't sound great
nobody is doubting the quality of the software though, right?
or the intention to do reproducible builds properly?
perhaps they struggle with having mistakes pointed out (many gifted developers do)
what would be the alternative to coinkite?
I wasn't doubting their software until 1) I couldn't reproduce their build, 2) I realized they don't have their issues tracker enabled, and 3) I saw their toxic attitude and actions taken towards it's users. Those a three very big red flags for me and are enough to not trust them.
So is their software bad now? I don't think so but at the same time, how would one know without a public issue tracker and with how they react when issues are found and pointed out. These two combined lead me to believe that there is the potential for issues or bugs to be present that some may have found but have no way of publicly reporting and/or are blocked and/or threatened with lawsuits by Coinkite themselves if the person finding the issue speaks out.
The alternative to CC that I've found so far is Foundation's Passport2. They have been a stark contrast to CC in terms of being extremely transparent, receptive to feedback and issue reporting, and have probably the BEST reproducibility documentation out there. So far they seem to be doing all the right things.
I agree. Passport2 is my favorite hardware wallet. They have a very responsive support section on Telegram too.