honestly, you shouldn't. a lot of these "Bitcoin" conferences are just enterprise conferences with company booths.
very little technical signal or learning at many of these things. keep your sats, go to a free local meetup and find like minded people and you'll get more value.
Not to mention, they charge a few million Sats for a ticket.
Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed every conference I've gone to. But yea, it's a lot of company booths and online influencers hanging out and pumping their own shit.
Local meetups have been just as good. I would go to conferences more if they weren't all so expensive.
Yeah, that's my gut feeling. Have you been to one though? I will say even as tech conferences got more corporate I was still able to meet people and learn from them. But, the conferences I went to still had mostly technical talks.
I just got back from one. most everything was below my level of learning, so it was frustrating most of the time re-listening to baby food, when I have a ravenous desire for meat.
best part was re-meeting a lot of the folks I've met a meetups in the hallways. not the talks. you did get some technical people there who usually don't show up to meetups too.
still not worth the price of admission imo.