This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Putting more sats in cold storage and sleeping like a baby!
i just cleared out my gemini balance this afternoon as well. always a good feeling
Ha yeah. They still have some of my sats with the earn program. Painful lesson learned. I still use their credit card for sats back though.
yep, i've got the card with them too. i pretty much just use it like my debit card and pay it off every two weeks. it's basically free sats. but since they don't do lightning, and don't pick up the fees when you withdraw anymore, i usually only clear it out every month or so
Good call, every day for me is a new sat record!
Today's Bitcoin price on CoinMarketCap is up to $31k plus. Keep rising for the bull run
Morning. I picked up the current issue of BTC mag at Barnes & Noble and thought I'd share some of the cool Assange art in it
Good morning everyone, Friday is here, that means that the weekend has officially begun, profits are made and DCAing is on the way, time to relax and lay off the graphs and enjoy the time off (for those who have it) for the rest of us mortals who don't rest, find a time of the day to just breathe in and out and be thankful for all the things we have. It's going to be all right, if there are difficulties remember that those will pass and you will be here still, you are an amazing creation of nature, act accordingly. You matter!! Always!. So be well and stay frosty my friend.
Stay frosty, Andy!
Always buddy, you as well.... About to open up a frosty one and enjoy the rest of the evening :)
Day 69 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Apparently Bitcoin hit +$100k on Binance US a couple days ago, but the high court of mollusks deems this illegitimate. The snailposting shall continue.
What occurred was a rift in the spacetime continuum that allowed you to glimpse into the future for a brief second. Or possibly a mere instance of quantum entanglement between 30k and 100k.
In a parallel universe, Balaji won his bet...