This is fun because it creates the impression that money laundering is such a hard crime to combat, but now that we have highly advanced technology we'll be able to curb it. Reality is that most of the laundering goes at plain sight and we don't stop it because we don't want to. I live in the largest cocaine producing country and I've never heard a single investigation for money laundering on banks here, although there are billions of USD being laundered yearly. Most of that money goes to tax havens where it's impossible to track, be it with AI or any other tool.
Banks will of course use it to become better at money laundering than they already are.
Prime example for a crosspost in ~bitcoin and ~tech in the future?
Maybe Google should just focus on better search
It’s probably too difficult to innovate on search given the company’s size and relatively easy to grow shareholder value by conglomerating.
Yes, you're right. Because we live in a shitty fiat world where they must grow at any cost, in order to return value to shareholders who have no alternative way to save money without losing it to inflation.
It's hard understand/explain Google positions