I only know the bare bones of Nostr. But I was wondering if it'd be useful to make something like a Geocache or Scouting-badge-earning clone?
My thought is that a nostr post type could have geo coords for a geocache? For scouting or a similar badge-based program, a nostr post type could be one that lists requirements for each badge?
Is this something that makes sense? The idea being that anyone could then make apps for this stuff and anyone could create geocaches and/or badges. To surface the good ones perhaps the creators could be zapped payments?
Right now, if I were to hide a geocache I don't think I get any payment (only the app maker gets any payment from memberships). If I were to create a dope badge for a kid to earn I'd get nothing. If creative/cleaver people could get paid wouldn't that make some cool content? Of course, app makers ought to get paid, too, so perhaps zaps could be split between the creators and the app makers?
I know that geocaches and badges don't need censorship resistance, but perhaps the nostr protocol is good for these tools due to: (1) the content creators don't have to worry about a centralized app shutting down, and (2) app makers would compete to make better apps?
Curious of people's thoughts. Is this a dumb idea?
Cool idea. Integration of geography with Nostr is definitely doable. Should probably start with a nip to choose a format for geo coordinates.
I don't think I understood the proposal correctly, can this be something that comes close? https://github.com/Myzel394/locus