Chapter 3: Personal Electrum Server – Fulcrum


1. Download the file

Go into your “home” directory and create the following folders
mkdir fulcrum mkdir fulcrum_db
Go to the Fulcrum Github release page and download the latest release
Extract the file
tar xvf Fulcrum-1.9.1-x86_64-linux-ub16.tar.gz
Move the files to fulcrum folder
mv Fulcrum-1.9.1-x86_64-linux-ub16/* /home/<user>/fulcrum cd .. cd fulcrum

2. Creating the Key and Cert

Creating the keys
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem Generating a RSA private key
Press <enter> for all the defaults parameters. The files keys.perm and cert.perm should have been created in your fulcrum folder.

3. Configuration file

rename the config file
mv fulcrum-example-config.conf fulcrum.conf
Modify the config file
nano fulcrum.conf
Change the following in the config file:
  • Change path of the datadir: home/<username>/fulcrum_db
  • rpcuser: use the same one as the bitcoin.conf file
  • rpcpassword: use the one used for the rpcauthy while setting up the bitcoin.conf file
  • remove the # for the SSL=
  • remove the # for the certificate and put correct path home/<username>/fulcrum/cert.pem
  • remove the # for the key and put correct path home/<username>/fulcrum/key.pem
  • remove the # for peering and change for peering=false
  • remove the # for fast-sync and change for what you are confortable fast-sync = 4000 (4g of ram)

4.Creating the service file

Creating service file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/fulcrum.service
Paste de following in the file and replace <user> by your server username.
[Unit] Description=Fulcrum [Service] ExecStart=/home/<user>/fulcrum/Fulcrum /home/<user>/fulcrum/fulcrum.conf User=<user> LimitNOFILE=8192 TimeoutStopSec=30min [Install]
CTRL+X, Y, Enter
***Start this service
sudo systemctl enable fulcrum.service sudo systemctl start fulcrum.service sudo systemctl status fulcrum.service
To see the log
journalctl -fu fulcrum.service
The next chapter will be to sync your node to your own wallet!
Fulcrum... "A fast & nimble SPV server for Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin BTC, and Litecoin."
No 😂