That feeling of missing out is what drives people to the altcoins in order to "not miss out". Once you understand that then you can start to explain things while emphasizing the need to hold out over longer time horizons.
I mined on GPU and early ASIC's. Spent every single sat of that stack because I also wasn't super confident it would gain any momentum. This was before any bull markets at all so I really needed to see something crazy to believe in it. Most people do.
After I had spent everything I kept an eye on Bitcoin but didn't really dive too deep. When the 2017/18 run up happened I knew it was time to take a deeper look and over the years since I have developed an understanding.
I am slow and did dumb things, but I still don't even consider it "too late". If you think it is too late you just don't have a good understanding of Bitcoin yet and that is OK because Bitcoin will cause systemic change to almost every functional system within our society. Just like the internet did. But that is really hard to digest and even harder to conceptualize. I can't blame anyone for not getting it.
The only time you are missing out is when there is no longer any opportunity to accumulate.
My story isn't unique. So many of us learned the same lessons the same ways. I also considered different altcoins. But I think it is interesting because if you hear enough peoples stories and observe what is going on long enough you begin to see what the same story looks like at scale.
I think most people are on the path to discovering Bitcoin. Since COVID financial literacy has gone through the roof. The economy is what people talk about because it is currently hard to ignore. People understand the concept of inflation, but maybe are confused on the exact cause right now. No one wants to believe the system itself is just flawed and cannot be fixed because everyone understands (without Bitcoin) there is no alternative to have any chance of weathering that sort of collapse.
But the conversation is happening and people are learning. Eventually Bitcoin will enter that conversation in the same way it first got its hooks into any of us here today. Maybe the government goes through its own phase and has its own Bitcoin story similar to ours. They have accumulated a huge amount for a lot of reasons and are selling it. Of course that will be a regret later down the road but how is it any different from any regrets we have had along the way?
I say just sit back, remember your journey and see how that plays out for everyone else. You'll start to notice everyone follows similar paths. I guess that is how trails are made.