I have to disagree tbh.
Way too many people are working at zombie jobs that are easily replaced, for far too long and paid far too little.
I know this very well because I work in manufacturing, it's not rare to see a whole department replaced completely by machines.
And it wasn't that the factory couldn't do it sooner, they just couldn't be bothered.
What's worse is they can only really fall back to another manual labor job, which still face the same risk.
Being able to choose when to retire and expand your knowledge/skills in things you actually enjoy doing is great.
Sometimes it do mean you won't be earning anything, but what's useful to society (/business) doesn't mean what's useful for your own personal life journey.
I have taken a few long leaves from working due to personal reasons, every time I wished it could be longer just because there's so much to do.
I don’t think we disagree. I think we just might not understand what each other means.
When I didn’t graduate from high school, I worked dead end jobs and barely got by for the first 4 years. That sucked and I’d much rather “retire” than do that forever.
But those also aren’t always the only two options.