What's up guys, jowo here.
I'm trying to push for adding LNURL / Lightning auth Provider to the popular next-auth library. (It's actually the same library that SN uses!)
Fancy helping drive Lightning adoption?
I'd love it if team SN could help out by adding some 👍🚀🔥 onto this GitHub issue!
Any feedback and love on the issue would be hugely appreciated. Same goes for the demo app.
Here's a gif of it in action:
An implementation is always better than an issue, you should definitely make the PR!
🟠🟣⚡️📖🫡 🐐
Great idea!
greatly appreciate your input on the GitHub issue.
No worries!
I just realized I may have conflated anonymity with privacy. In the article by @fiatjaf, he mentions "maximum possible privacy". Maybe I should have written "Maximum possible privacy by default" and not "Anonymous by default".
edit: just updated my comment