What's up guys, jowo here.
I'm trying to push for adding LNURL / Lightning auth Provider to the popular next-auth library. (It's actually the same library that SN uses!)
Fancy helping drive Lightning adoption?
I'd love it if team SN could help out by adding some 👍🚀🔥 onto this GitHub issue!
Any feedback and love on the issue would be hugely appreciated. Same goes for the demo app.
An implementation is always better than an issue, you should definitely make the PR!
🟠🟣⚡️📖🫡 🐐
Great idea!
greatly appreciate your input on the GitHub issue.
No worries!
I just realized I may have conflated anonymity with privacy. In the article by @fiatjaf, he mentions "maximum possible privacy". Maybe I should have written "Maximum possible privacy by default" and not "Anonymous by default".
edit: just updated my comment