How do you decide which city to live in?
We're in the middle of that process right now.
Fundamentally, the way to think about is to look for somewhere that has the amenities you value, but not ones you don't, and doesn't have nuisances that bother you, but do bother other people. That's how you find a good deal.
For us it looks something like this.
Amenities we value: kids stuff, outdoor recreation, temperate climate, quality produce Amenities we don't value: restaurants, entertainment, bars, public school quality Nuisances we don't mind: remoteness, liquor taxes, tobacco taxes Nuisances we do mind: crime, income and property taxes, state regulations on land use
Great question! I made it a post. #199133
If you work remotely try a few out and see what you like. Personally, my city days are done. Moved out of the city a year and a half ago and I am never going back.