I started the year with Jane Austen: Mansfield Park, Northhanger Abbey, and Sense and Sensibility. All so good. Made me realize why she is so revered.
Listened to American Prometheus (the Oppenheimer book) because the movie is coming out and I wanted to feel smarter than everyone else. Really long, but he is an fascinating person that I knew nothing about.
At Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O-Brien that I bought while visiting Ireland earlier this year. A surrealist novel by a contemporary of James Joyce. Fun, funky, boozy novel.
32 Christians Who Changes Their World by Glenn Sunshine. Really interesting look at lesser known Christian figures who made huge impact. Very broad minded with no chronological snobbery. Includes christian kings and shows that they did some great things for their people and the world.
Professional React Native. For work projects. I get why React Native gets hate if you hate Javascript, but it is incredible that you can build full featured native apps with React. Also, I usually am doing backend telecom/voip stuff, so doing frontend is fun for me.
Still working my way through Designing Data-Intensive Application. Really well written and explains things so so well.