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Figured I'd make a place to raise questions about stacker news.
Would also love any advice anyone has on features, getting the word out, etc.
Some kind of markdown in comments
Thanks! I'm thinking of doing a github flavored markdown WYSIWYG without controls. Have to look into it.
This is very cool to read
Feature request: user bios.
I'd say remove the free posts/comments altogether.
Auto feature request: bookmark lists. e.g. I want to compile an evergreen list of lightning liquidity resources. More or less like a pinboard on pinterest but for bitcoin related links/discussions.
This please!
We pay sats for comments and posts? why?
What are "stacked"?
it should have notifications
I agree! I'll add it to the list
what is boost?
Feature request: It was suggested in LND developer slack to use a lightning based login. I definitely wanted to do something like this but wasn't aware of any prior art, but it looks like there is https://xn--57h.bigsun.xyz/lnurl-auth.html
Another auto feature request: tips ... it'd be nice to have a function to give a user monies but it'd have to not influence ranking for game theory reasons.
Bug report: @pplanel on twitter said that after logging in via email he got navigated to the /login page and got a 500, but was successfully logged in when he went to the homepage.
They also got their magic link email marked as spam
Mine was not marked as spam (gmail)
Auto feature request: make request caching less aggressive.