Hi all,
I am trying to learn more about the best practices and tools to backup the Bitcoin Secure Multisig Setup (BSMS). When you create a multisig wallet, the coordinator app usually creates a .bsms file with all the descriptors to recreate the wallet. This is described on BIP129: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0129.mediawiki But having access to that file reveals the funds of the multisig wallet, so I think is not a good idea to store it in plain text. It should at least be encrypted so you can decide who can access it. Splitting the BSMS content into multiple QRs shares would be ideal, so you can distribute each share in different locations.
SeedHammer offer in my opinion one of the best approaches. They split the BSMS file content into 3 QRs and you need to scan 2 of them in order to recover your wallet. This is called "BCR-2020-010 encoding for Output Descriptors QRs". They show how to do that here: https://twitter.com/SeedHammer/status/1666875008105295873 Nunchuk supports importing a wallet using those QRs, but not exporting a wallet in that format. So, if you don't have a SeedHammer, you can't use this approach. I created an issue so they implement that on their Nunchuk app: https://github.com/nunchuk-io/nunchuk-android/issues/21 Not sure if there is another tool/app that can export a BSMS file in "BCR-2020-010" format. Any ideas or opinions?
I think the BSMS is similar to an xpub (It even has xpubs in it), and therefore it's safe to put in a password manager. If you keep your BSMS/xpubs in your password manager and someone gets access to the decrypted contents of your password manager you are going to have a lot more trouble than someone knowing how much bitcoin is in your multisig wallet.
The problem with that approach is the inheritance. You need to give access to the BSMS to your family if something happen to you.
Yes, make sure you family gets access to your password manager when you die. Most password managers have that option.
Hey @thebitcoinhole, I'm the founder of Nunchuk and lead author of BSMS BIP.
Thank you for reporting the above GitHub issue! We are working on allowing export, FYI.
Have you checked Sparrow? AFAIK they also added support for BCR-2020-010 recently.
Nice, those are incredible news !!!
I am going to check Sparrow. I didn't know they also support this format.
I didn't found that option on Sparrow. For BSMS they are supporting to export to the file or animated QRs.