does anyone here use the orange pill app? it sounds interesting, but i'm not sure i want to pay for a service that connects me to other bitcoiners irl. is it just used for networking and meetups and the like?
used it for a month, not a bad app but kind of pointless since nostr. terrible customer service convinced me to cancel.
I was hesitant at first too. But I was kind of desperate to connect with other bitcoiners in my area. Since I don’t live in a big city with an active meetup group I decided to give it a try. I paid for the lifetime membership – I think it was about $40 USD at the time which I paid via Lightning by contacting the developer directly. For me it has been worth it so far. I’ve only met 3 other bitcoiners from my area so far, but the app doesn’t limit you to connecting with just people in your local area. For example, I’m connected with Natalie Brunell, Ben from BTC Sessions and others who I can message directly and they’re all very active and responsive. More and more people seem to be joining every day.