I don't even care. Capital gains on Bitcoin is theft. Bitcoin is money. If they don't want to make it legal tender, it's their loss.
I think the gains tax could stay where it is at as long as it is only a gain for transactions over a certain amount. I do think where that is now (I think the rule for USA is transactions under $200??) is a little low. Enough for basic groceries which works great for me but not enough to cover any other basic living expenses.
USA is not really in a position where it can decrease any taxes anywhere. The system is way too overheated for that.
BTW a regular reminder that Slovenia (the country people most often confuse with Slovakia) still has a 0% tax ;)
US will be one of the very last, I am sure.
Got to love these relative new democracies where the people are actually mostly in charge. I dont know, its hard to explain. But in these old democracies a separate political class rises and start doing things that are terrible for the people. But at first democracy is pretty good.
Nothing works as well as competition among states.