Personally, I've noticed that it's great for initial discovery.
For example, if you know nothing about a topic, it can give excellent pointers and summaries of whatever you want, in just seconds.
Sometimes it's useful to ask some questions you would ask a friend, but there's no one around at the time. Silly example would be: "what should I absolutely bring to X", in case you don't want to miss anything and you need to leave right now.
The possibilities are endless really, it's an exciting technology, and it makes Internet search a bit old fashioned.
I had it write me a python backend/frontend that used the ebay api to be able to search ebay for listings, return links, description, prices, and most importantly the average price.
If I didn't know how to program I wouldn't been able to get a working product from ChatGPT. ChatGPT 3.5 and even 4.0 had a few problems, the main on is that it would "forget" the code it previously gave me. I'd ask it to update the code, add a feature, etc, and it would have me update a function that was slightly different than the function it gave me previously.
Not only GPT but Bing, Bard or Perplexity
  • Quantity of works
  • Quality
  • Time
  • Better investigations
  • Accurate info
Let's see
  • I use it to code in a language I don't know or I'm learning
  • to summarize articles
  • to translate text
For most of the use cases self-hosted open-source models would do just fine.
Darthcoin is definitely not around
To help me find simple errors which are easy to miss.
A few days ago, a SQL query had invalid syntax but the error message just said that the error is near this term. But this term was at multiple places in my query.
So I put the whole query into ChatGPT and asked it where the syntax error is. Boom, I forgot a ,
  • great for finding basic information online instead of searching Google links
  • amazing for brainstorming and blog writings
  • Answering weird, niche, situational questions that you'd normally have to scroll through Reddit for
  • Cooking recipes
  • Date ideas for my partner and I
  • Workout suggestions if I'm wanting to switch things up