This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Today I started reading "Softwar" by Jason P. Lowery. Did anyone of you read this book? What do you think about it?
It's very weird being a Bitcoiner / Austrian econ enthusiast right now. I have to "keep two sets of books" mentally.
I am looking for work and trying to be hopeful and responsible to myself in terms of daily improvement, but also half expecting the economy to crash and for things to get very feudal and weird.
I feel like the Daniel Waterhouse character in "Quicksilver" (Neal Stephenson) at times lol
NPM denied my account creation even though I solved 20 of their captcha puzzles.
We need a Nostr Package Manager
Are you on a VPN or trying to register over TOR? Those are the only secnarios where I have seen recaptacha prompt for more puzzles, if that is the captcha they are using. I am actually not too sure the site itself has any control over that unless they change out the captcha.
Interesting that Github is allowed on Tor but npm not?
I passed all the puzzles, the site definitely has control over it especially with the "Account creation denied" message
And apparently I can't log in via Github to publish on the NPM registry
I bet sites have some sort of control over those rules but I have seen it happen randomy with other sites too. It can be super annoying.
Not sure why NPM is more hostile with tor users but it really isn't uncommon. I have only had to deal with it with Google searches but it is so frustrating.
Now that I think about it, 20 prompts is excessive. I wonder if the root issue is actually just a javascript call getting timed out because of latency over tor? That would make more sense to me because If I was integrating some challenge like that I would cap it off at like 3 or 4 to validate it is a human.
There were like 20 in total, not in one go, I saw max 4 at at time.
I could not use Tor (captcha does not even appear) so ended up using another browser. I still don't have an account by the way
Once someone claims jack's github prize, I bet that'll follow shortly after
Man I love statistics. I wish I had appreciated it more in college. It’s really hard to teach I think.
Anyone have any good statistics book recommendations that are intuition oriented?
This book is quite nice, and you can get it for free if you want.
It also comes with extra material like videos, slides, etc, to make it easier to understand.
this stunt they are doing with raising interest rates and shrinking M2 does not make up for the trillions upon trillions that have been printed over the last couple decades.
Slow rolling orange pilling a college friend
Good morning everyone, happy little Friday, aka as thursday, it's a tad rainy over here and it was well needed, few hot days lately so this change is a good one, what will you do this weekend? Any plans with the family? Or will it be a spontaneous thing? Either or it will be great! Anyways, time to head for work, have a wonderful Thursday and may it be a fruitful one. Always know that you are important and you matter. Be well and stay frosty my friend.
Day 75 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.