So I read this and it got me thinking. Would I?
I don't think I'd 100% BTC my paycheck but I'd be happy with a large percentage say maybe 50% coming to me in BTC.
I'd be more inclined to take a BTC paycheck if more businesses took payment in BTC. The issue I suppose is fluctuations in price of BTC. Whilst it is still volatile (when compared to the tiny changes we see in fiat on FX markets). The price of a can of coke (other beverages are available) has changed between picking it up off the shelf to going to the till.
How do we think BTC becomes a more accepted payment method? What steps does it need to take and milestones made?
Are you talking about receiving your current fiat defined wages in Bitcoin or having your salary defined in Bitcoin terms?
If I could get my salary essentially pegged to Bitcoin, I think I'd take that deal.
Suggest you check out Bitwage and Xapoio Bank. Perfect combo...
| check out Bitwage
This is the right answer. I have Bitwage sending my paycheck to my cold storage. Optionally, I can have a percentage sent to my bank in fiat.
I do already
If the services I use are priced in BTC, of course as you would save fees.
But it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem because the goods and services you pay for are also the paycheck of someone else.
If you could take a percentage and save it - why not? The main issue would be taxation at the initial point payment and taxation at the point of asset disposal. If you are living-hand-to-‘mouth your service to Bitcoin comes at a significant cost to yourself..
Of course I would, it would mean I wouldn't have to buy as much. Ideally it would be no KYC and invisible to the thugs of the state.
Not sure what the number of businesses accepting bitcoin has to do with it. I don't buy to spend and I wouldn't earn to spend.
I currently have 7 sources of income, could easily move half of them to BTC and have the cuckbuck ones still pay my fiat bills.
Could you describe generally how you have 7 forces of income? Royalties?
Different types of freelance gigs, rental and Airbnb.
20% would be nice.