I started few years ago to develop smart contracts in Ethereum/Zilliqa with Solidity and Scilla languages. After a while and some good readings I decided to abandon the world of shitcoins. I'm eager to learn the Bitcoin Script language and to develop new bitcoin projects. Could you please suggest me some good sources for learning it in an efficient way?
@k00b shared this recently: #200522
To get an overview of Script and its corresponding opcodes, take a look at https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script
For an easy execution environment, check out the online ide scriptwiz (https://ide.scriptwiz.app/) made by Burak
btcdeb (https://github.com/bitcoin-core/btcdeb) is also a good way to get a better idea of how opcodes manipulate the stack
From there I'd check out miniscript, which is still far from having a friendly developer environment but maybe worth learning about in the longterm. Here's a good video to learn the basics of what it is
For applications, the Liquid ecosystem has some good examples. Check out the Fuji whitepaper for an example of complex scripting (https://vulpem.com/synthetic-asset-smart-contract.pdf) along with Liquid's non-custodial options (https://blockstream.com/assets/downloads/pdf/options-whitepaper.pdf)
You may find this thread helpful: #43271
definitely check out base58
Nice progress :)
I've already started studying : )
Once youve learned the basics I'd check out miniscript. It's a subset of the language with tooling for usability and safety