Embrace Time and bitcoin as limited resources

Time1, the intangible force that governs our lives, is a priceless gift we often take for granted. Every passing second, minute, and hour holds immense value, yet we frequently find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of distractions and unimportant pursuits. In this fast-paced world, it is crucial to reflect upon the importance of not squandering our time on things that don't truly matter in our lives.
By consciously prioritizing and investing our time wisely, we can unlock the door to a more purposeful and fulfilling existence and bitcoin helps us to achieve this

1. Recognizing the Limited Nature of Bitcoin and Time:

Time is an unrenewable resource. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and once they pass, they are gone forever. Reflecting on the limited nature of time serves as a powerful reminder to make the most of every moment. Imagine each day as a blank canvas waiting to be painted with purpose and significance. So, I don't want to waste my time worrying about devaluation or how take care my work because they're paying me with something that doesn't have future.

2. Priorities

Bitcoin teach us about priorities, it is essential to identify what truly matters. By defining your values, goals, and aspirations, you can align your activities accordingly. Take the time to introspect and evaluate the areas of your life that bring genuine joy, fulfillment, and growth. By focusing on these priorities, you can direct your time and energy towards activities that contribute meaningfully to your overall well-being.

3. Just...say 'no'

One of the most significant challenges in utilizing our time and bitcoins effectively is the fear of missing out or the desire to please others. Learning to say 'no' graciously, when a request or opportunity doesn't align with your priorities, is an essential skill to cultivate. By doing so, you free yourself from the burden of unnecessary commitments and create space for more meaningful endeavors. Also, you save your money and won't waste in shitcoinery.

4. Distractions at minimum:

In today's digital age, distractions are abundant and incessant. Social media, mindless internet browsing, fake entertainment can easily consume substantial portions of our time. As a task, we have to regain control over our time. Allocate specific periods for focused work, engage in activities that nourish your mind and body, and rediscover the beauty of uninterrupted moments.

5. Investing in yourself

Yes, yes..I know. This is something not quite particular but time spent on personal growth and self-care is never wasted. Prioritizing activities that enhance your well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, reading, or learning new skills, not only enriches your life but also equips you with the tools for further success. By investing in yourself, you become better equipped to contribute to others and create a positive impact in the world.
Time and bitcoin are precious commodities, and each passing moment presents an opportunity for growth and fulfillment. By consciously choosing how we invest our time and bitcoins, we can avoid the pitfalls of aimless busyness and focus on what truly matters. Embrace the limited nature of time, identify your priorities, minimize distractions, and cultivate mindfulness.
Remember, it's not about doing everything, but doing what truly matters. As we navigate the journey of life, let us cherish and make the most of this precious gift called time.


  1. This answer was inspired in Dergigi's article about time