#Amethyst v0.64.0: UI Reorganization

We need screen space for Communities and Live Streams. The relay information was moved from the Top bar to the left drawer. Search was moved to the top bar. And Global was merged with Home, being accessible as a List, just like on stories.

  • Merges Global into Home as a top-bar List
  • Moves Relay Settings info from top bar to left drawer
  • Adds search to the top bar
  • Slims down the live headers
  • Additional checks for main thread in Notifications
  • Makes NIP05 work with domain names only (No need for the @ in the "@domain" address)
  • Improved AsyncImage loading states
  • Logs out the time to display each reaction type
  • BugFix: Not showing display name on [n] tags
  • BugFix: Trimmed paragraphs losing indentation
  • BugFix: Don't show URL previews in quoted ...