I know this says 'as a child' but for me, basically everything I believed before I was 30 turns out to have been false:
  • government is good for you
  • the liberals are the tolerant/accepting ones
  • conservatives are not
  • science is always right
  • you must have a college degree to succeed
  • having kids is cancer
  • sleeping around is great
  • the world is going to end due to climate change
  • adults are in charge of the world
  • alcohol is great
  • cigarettes are great
  • the talking man on TV is always right, and knows everything
  • if it says so on the box, it must be true
  • my parents know what they're talking about
  • America is the 'free-est' nation in the world
plenty more I just don't wanna bore anyone...
Science is a way of finding truth, the people who do it badly and claim "science says so" fuck it up for the rest of us.