Also, I just checked your Walletano Twitter account as well as the one from ZoltanAB. It seems you need to up your game in terms of PR: Twitter view count for most of your posts is extremely low. I only used to see the posts of Zoltan as I used to be an LN node runner (but somehow those have vanished from my timeline too). He's a regular poster, but it seems to be mostly into the void. Probably more of a Twitter algorithm problem than a content problem.
This is a great initiative, and posting it here on SN is a good idea. But no one I know in the LN field ever mentions Walletano, so reach might be too limited at this point.
Just some (hopefully) constructive feedback for you. Let's onboard those 10,000 people :) I might just bother some friends who dabble in shitcoins to give me their email addresses for this.
Thank you for the valuable feedback. Appreciated.