If you have SN installed as PWA and you have a browser that supports push notifications, you can now get your SN notifications via push even if the PWA is not in the foreground.
The option is available in the upper right when you visit your notifications page (the bell icon).
I'm not sure but you might have to reinstall the PWA and reenable push notifications. If you're using an Apple device, push notifications were only recently made available in:
  • iOS 16.4 or later
  • Safari 16 for macOS 13 or later
This release only gives notifications for replies, mentions, and sat stacking ... more types are coming.
This was a complete rewrite of the PWA aspect of SN. If you have any issues please let us know and we'll try to get them fixed.
Big shout to @ekzyis. He did all the work on this.
Great to see the all the bugs and wishlist items getting pounded out. Ekzyis is a machine!!!
It works for iOS! I was not even aware that iOS was supporting push notifications for PWAs. Thank you @ekzyis!
no worries :) SN may be the only app where I actually care about getting push notifications
edit: Okay, IMs too
edit: Okay, emails too lol
It's very recent.
When I was testing this change, I had an old iOS version and it wasn't available but after searching around we realized it was.
Very nice! Love this.
btw, SN is also a share target now.
If you click on "share" on any website or app, you should be able to select the SN app. It will open the form to post a link or discussion depending on the data the source app sends us.
I forgot about that
No worries, was just a small change. I did it because it didn't require much effort but it's a nice integration imo. It's also a good demonstration of what PWAs are capable of.
It is a nice integration indeed! Although you must be using Android to do so correct? I tried to share a webpage from Safari on iOS and SN doesn’t show up as a target option.
Oh, and for push notifications on Brave, you need to enable the Google push service in Settings > Privacy and Security:
Works for me without reinstalling.
Just had to check the checkbox on the notifications page :)
I just noticed it takes me straight to the reply. It should probably work like the notifications page and scroll me to the reply on the root item
It also doesn't close the notification after you press on it. A line of code is missing after opening the app.
I wonder if the right ux is just going straight to notifications for all of them. I have notifications off for most apps. How does twitter’s work?
Ah yes, I agree
This is very cool! Thank you for getting me interested in setting up SN as my first PWA in iOS.
Writing this to test notifications appearing on PWA icon when I receive a reply. Although I don’t think they will because of the following issue: Can’t get the PWA to show that I’m logged into my account. In Safari tab where I set up the PWA I’m logged in, but when in the PWA I’m not logged it. Can’t reply from within the PWA.
What auth method are you using to log in? Lightning should work
And did you try to go through the login flow in the PWA, too? On Android, I think browser and PWA have the same session but maybe that's not the case on iOS
Using email right now. Just removed lightning login a few hours ago actually.
Tried the login flow and opened the link in email, but just brings me to Safari tab. Not a huge deal really since I can just use Safari for replying/posting and PWA for browsing and reading. But still, is it an issue that could be fixed?
Entirely separate session it seems.
This is a problem on iOS. We haven't found a solution yet.
ek we talked about this a month or two ago.
Email login in a Safari PWA unfortunately doesn't work since Safari doesn't allow to open PWAs, a feature which is called "link capturing" [0]
Interesting… Too bad. Thanks still though!
In the meantime, you can add another login method. All other login methods work on iOS.
Wait you can have multiple login methods simultaneously? If so that’s pretty awesome for ensuring you never get locked out of your account!
yes you can, lol
Is that why you removed your lightning login?
Have you guys ever kicked around the idea of giving users the ability to add subs? I know SN has polled the community on this before, but I think if we're going to have subs at all we should have a much wider selection. Otherwise lots of posts end up going into META as a catch all and the system breaks down.
I can see one obvious downside being that a bunch of nonsense subs get created and those would need to be cleaned regularly. But I'd be willing to pay extra sats for the ability to create a sub during the posting process (if a logical one doesn't already exist).
Yes, giving users the ability to create, maintain and earn from subs is the next big feature we have planned for SN
Most excellent!
Very cool! I’m trying it now
FYI @ekzyis I seem to be getting double notifications when getting zapped. For example, I’ve been zapped 10 sats twice, and each time I got a “you’ve been zapped 1 sats” then “you’ve been zapped 10 sats” push notifications. Just a heads up, otherwise I’m really enjoying this experience.
Are you on iOS and Safari? @k00b mentioned the same but I have no Apple device to debug :(
Does that mean you get 10 individual notifications if I zap you 10 times?
Yes I am on iOS, using the PWA installed through safari.
Yes, I got notified for each time, but the sats count in each were weird:
2,3,2,5,5,6,8,8,9,10 sats respectively ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🤨 interesting
Seems like a timing issue/race condition accessing the zap amount, if I had to guess. I’m guessing something about the push notification pipeline is asynchronous, so that would make sense.
Yes, it's async so that could indeed explain why you see 2,3,2
But I don't get why the notifications are not grouped together using the tag property like on Android. Here, it says that Safari on iOS also supports it.
My guess would be there is some difference in the API for replacing notifications.
Ohhh, I think I found the error.
Let me guess. If I reply three times to you, you only get a single notification which shows "you have 3 new replies", right?
Let this be the first reply.
This post was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
Just installed it! Thanks you smart smart fellow bitcoiners!!