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Just speculation but my feeling is that large institutions, private corporates, some or all governments will eventually have no choice but to transact with bitcoin, at least in some scenarios, for security purposes. Especially with the threat of AI, etc. I don’t completely buy the argument that the average guy needs to be spending sats regularly in order for the mission of wide adoption to be accomplished. I feel that would be more of an outcome of adoption rather than a primary driver of it. Just my gut feeling, I could absolutely be wrong.
AirBnb wouldn’t become successful if people didn’t actually spend money on the platform. If people didn’t spend, then the whol Airbnb cottage industry wouldn’t have risen up - armies of cleaners, property managers, platforms like AirDNA, not to mention the macroeconomic impact of the growth in the real estate market. A lot of people who bought houses over the last few years factored in the ability to Airbnb their extra rooms. Whether it was a good investment or not, is beside the point.
The point is that for an ecosystem to grow and develop network effects, people have to transact.
Otherwise, Airbnb would just be a catalog of people’s unused real estate.