Between none and zero, I can't convince people that a form of money that's not physical and nobody know who's the inventor is the best money in existence, only they can do that themselves.
Either you don't want to or your approach needs to be retooled from the ground up. Sometimes this takes being more critical of yourself than you want to be. Not having this issue myself.
It's not an easy task.
I'm not sure what could be the best approach... Some people just recommend to give X amount of BTC to them and see if this trigger their curiosity.
Others go for the path of recommending books or any other form of content about Bitcoin fundamentals (Andreas Antonoopulos is my go to) and see if this new information open their mind.
Good luck!
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 7 Jul 2023
I've bought both my siblings hardware wallets / signing devices 2 years ago (we've talked about bitcoin occasionally for a year now or so) and told them if they set it up and send me a bitcoin address, I'll send them some
Afaict, both of them didn't follow through
Ignore them.
Whenever they are ready, they will come to you.