Right, didn't think of that aspect, the only I see with changing the htlc_maximum_msat is that my channels are rather small which would prevent much of the channels from being used for routing other payments, however this might be a small price to pay for increased privacy. I should do some reading on the "oakland protocol", haven't heard of it before.
Thank you for your thoughts!
Yeah, it really deserves a full write-up - I'll take a stab at it when I get some time. Here's the gist (read Rusty's description too): https://twitter.com/endothermicdev/status/1533856189057990658 and a few notes from Laolu if you look under the jamming section: https://www.mail-archive.com/lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org/msg02852.html
As you pointed out, there's clearly a tension between routing effectiveness and privacy. I'm hoping in the future that wallets will factor privacy preserving features into account when constructing a route (and prioritize nodes that incorporate them.) Maybe that's optimistic, but I think it's important to promote privacy preserving features on the lightning network. Cheapness of the route isn't everything!