Hello everyone! What are your hobbies?
reading, writing, film, music, drawing, social clubs and anything creative actually
gaming, disc golf, reading, watching sports, playing with my plex server, hanging out with my dog. i also have a zippo collection that's getting pretty respectable
programming, climbing (at least it used to be but it's hard without someone belaying you), playing piano, reading
what about you?
climbing (at least it used to be but it's hard without someone belaying you)
Definitely try bouldering then. Much less hassle, just put on the climbing shoes and grab some chalk!
Oh, yes, I did that for a year or two regularly and got pretty good at it I would say. But the lockdowns destroyed my habit of going there regularly and now I need to lose some weight first before I can go bouldering again. The routes feel either too easy or too hard and dangerous now
And I always liked climbing more. More focus on endurance and the mental aspect of trusting someone else and your skills. Bouldering also has some mental aspect but it's different
But the lockdowns destroyed my habit of going there regularly and now I need to lose some weight first before I can go bouldering again.
Yep... I had the exact same experience. x)