privacy is not a fraud, thanks for the guidance :)
So are you looking for "Privacy" or to "Not get caught" because you did not originally specify privacy as a concern. You said you didn't want to get caught. In any case if you are attempting to provide false identification...that is fraud. It is possible you cannot use this money service without providing your info.
Any attempt otherwise (which you can read their terms of service to get a better picture of) is fraud. You are literally asking how to use this service in a way that may not be intended. Which is fraud. If you don't know this, you need to stop what you are doing right now and go back to the drawing board.
"Not get caught" selling bitcoins. (just because i don't want to). I think you need to relax a bit dude. Not sure if bitcoin world is the right place for you, robosats for example is only for TOR which is a privacy network.