Yeah you are right about that. There is nothing that says Bitcoin has to be the winner and history consistently chooses inferior technology for the various reasons that it happens. I do think after Spot ETF products come online it becomes exponentially harder for Bitcoin to not win. My biggest concern is even if we have the ability to kick our feet up, we wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy it anyways.
I think for now Bitcoin is in a good spot and at least for me personally I can shift focus a little to those other problems. I think as long as we are able to objectively come back and make our observations about its health we can combat complacency while also not letting the anxiety of Bitcoin potentially slipping through the cracks eat us alive.
Bitcoin isn't something I ultimately want to obsess about. I just need it to continue doing its thing and will be happy to help push it along when it needs it.
those other problems being, being able to kick those feet up and enjoy it?
I'm with you, it does sound great and even, extremely worthwhile, even if somewhat aligned to the complacency side of this thread 😅
Part of the logic of "bitcoin has already won" relates to lindy and technology adoption curves, as well as the software development maxim "worse is better". Bitcoin is unquestionably the simplest, and this hugely weighs in its benefit because it's still here and still slowly moving towards small reconfigurations that close previous holes.
The unraveling of the order is also bullish for it because this unravelling isn't a new thing in history, happens basically like clockwork every 400 years. Last time there was the unraveling was the birth of paper money and banking, out of the tail end of the Crusades and the Magna Carta that went along with it.
As the order unraveled last time, we got the USA, also, and the modern liberal democratic state.
These are just trajectories that tend to be repeated and you don't have look far for the patterns in our own last 20 centuries happening over and over again.