Short explanation:
Bitcoin Advocate is outspoken about Bitcoin. This is an important issue, FUD and fakenews must be fought, everybody deserves the chance to hear about Bitcoin. If we don't make the world a better place with the best money in the world, nobody will.
Underground Bitcoiner takes opsec as the most important thing. If literal Hitler takes power and shoots everybody who doesn't tell them their keys, underground bitcoiner has his wealth secured by remembering 12 words and can LARP as a normie. Underground Bitcoiner will build up secret underground infrastructure and fight behind the scenes
Bitcoin Advocate20.3%
Underground Bitcoiner25.0%
other (comments)4.7%
64 votes \ poll ended
This comment was featured on This Day in Stacker News.
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I'm active on alt-tech platforms, psuedonomously. I'm into helping build and establish the parallel institutions we need, but I stay off the mainstream corporate platforms. I want to help people who have already taken the first step.
I don't go around proselytizing bitcoin, but if someone brings up crypto or inflation, I'll opine. I don't ever suggest that they should buy bitcoin, but I'll say it's part of my savings. Normally I encourage them to look into it, and if they seem interested I give them some pointers on where to start.
What the fuck is bitcoin ? officer .
It's safer for me than proselytizing (*), less emotional (people wouldn't appreciate it anyway and it would feel like a wasted effort) and I don't want to pump the price, everyone discovers Bitcoin in their own time and in the meantime I don't mind scooping up those cheap sats.
(*) It's not because I'm afraid my friends might steal from me. They wouldn't, but it takes some knowledge of Bitcoin to know how important opsec and keeping one's mouth shut is. Some of my friends don't even have PIN locks on their phones, if they lose the phone whoever finds it will get access to their instant messengers' chat history etc.
Por qué no los dos? ☺️
We are all Human Being but everyone is different. As for Bitcoin, we are all advocating bitcoin but it can't be same. Innovation is GReat , but many don't want to take credit for BITCOIN'S GREATNESS or staying low profile is best option.
Despite hosting a weekly bitcoin meetup, I feel like an underground bitcoiners the rest of the week.
As the poll tells, you don't need to be one of the two. There are many "states" in between that are also relevant.
I can help as many of my friends and family as possible but my work doesn’t allow me to acknowledge Bitcoin much less promote it.