I’d highly recommend getting familiar with the topic first, before actually sending a bigger stack of sats to a multi-sig wallet of your own! (I mean, that’s why you here ^^)
Here’s a very good guide by one of the co-founders and creators of the BitBox02 hardware wallet. All signers will be from the same vendor. Many will point out that this may be bad practice (danger of supply chain attacks), but there are good reasons for it! Especially in the case of BitBox02!
He uses Electrum, but it also works with SparrowWallet (which has a nicer UI, IMHO).
There’s also an in-depth article about some of the dangers of multi-sig (drawbacks if not set up correctly): https://bitbox.swiss/blog/how-nearly-all-personal-hardware-wallet-multisig-setups-are-insecure/