There does seem to be a strong correlation between healthy eating and low time preference thinking.
If you've spent a decent amount of time in Bitcoin social media you've probably noticed this.
How have you adjusted your diet since getting orange pilled?
I personally eat out way, way less, and like to splurge more on core ingredients like butter, meat, cheese, and fruit.
Butter maximalist
It hasn't. At all.
Bitcoin didn't have any impact on my diet.
It hasn't changed my thinking about diet, but my consistency has improved. I focus on low cost, high nutrient density foods (beans, greens, root veggies, and bananas) and get more extravagant foods when they're provided by others.
I have changed nothing about how I eat because of bitcoin.
I am having more copas de vino every time I have my little walk to the BTC ATM to celebrate another small step into personal freedom. So I can safely say it has a positive affect on my diet as bioflavonoides improve blood circulation! Cheers
They say that regarding the heart, we can't drink enough red wine. Such a shame there's also other organs.
Hahahaha... good point. I forgot about them by celebrating my healthy heart
Dude….this bitcoin changes everything is getting overboard
Too many confounders, but in general my diet has gotten worse since I started working in bitcoin.
Although my interest in alternative diet stuff led me to run into more bitcoiners on twitter and forced me down the rabbit hole faster.
when you live in the citadel someone who cares a lot about food preparation will make sure you achieve your nutrient needs :)
I started heading towards paleo around the same time as I started with bitcoin. Both things are trends on the rise, not surprising there is some overlap. A lot of really interesting new research in neurology and immunology especially in the last 20 years has taken back a lot of the ground lost to the chemical industrial "food" industry, which anyone with a brain can see now was CAUSED by the "solutions" to fake problems like saturated fats and low salt diets. Yeah, it turns out that low saturated fat, low salt diets guarantee weak and feeble old age cut short by vascular problems since without salt and fat how does nerves get insulation and protein get digested (hint, there's a reason why SODIUM carbonate and hydroCHLORIc acid are the main chemicals in your digestive system!).
Now I eat more steaks in order to impress other Bitcoiners.
It hasnt ... not sure why "money" would have anything to do with my diet :)
oh, you don't spend money on food?
I eat less ready meals now and more core ingredients too. I eat a lot of fruit because I'm lazy and it doesn't require cooking. For cookables I eat meat, potatoes and grains.
Bitcoin Twitter persuaded me to switch from cast iron to steel pan. I am no longer a shitpanner.
For me it was the other way round:
I first went down the nutrition rabbit hole (over a decade ago) and understood the agri-pharma industrial complex incentives, which primed me to distrust institutions so when I discovered bitcoin it made complete sense
12+ year butter maxi 🤣
"Strong correlation between healthy eating and low time preference thinking"
"I personally ... splurge more on... butter, meat, cheese..."
Clearly you have a high time preference if you are splurging on butter, meat, and cheese. Those are not very healthy for you.
I went vegan after getting into Bitcoin.
this is a joke right
Rereading it, I can see how it seems like a joke, but no, it's not a joke. I still don't see butter, meat, and cheese as "healthy" - unless I misunderstood something? Did you mean "splurging" as in, these are your unhealthy "cheat" foods? If so, then yeah I misunderstood.
you're misunderstanding millions of years of evolution
I'm slurping down seed oils all day dude
I eat more at home, healthier and I buy more btc