Many places with a little research and effort you can basically live on Bitcoin, get paid, and most of the last mile to the vendor is paved with bitcoins.
I actually think that the inevitable hackapalypse as more and more mainstream banking payment systems come online with their shitty antiquated and easily leveraged centralised authentication will bring the people to Bitcoin... just a little longer, there's no way the charade in the banking and international fiat finance businesses can go on more than another 5 years without the mother of the Great Depression still to come.
Imagine, all the banks and payment networks go offline except for some smaller voucher redemption and bitcoin based retailers of them, everyone else is beating on the doors of the last remaining banks who are doing a Lebanon on everyone. Everyone who'd already put bitcoin into as much of their supply chain as possible is fine, and everyone else is suddenly paying attention.
I had to look up hackapalypse
Well, the official term for the project is "cyberpolygon" lol.