"lightning...which is a different coin"
He gets some things right. Learning about lightning and setting up a node is a pain.
He is pretty fair about Bukele and the history of Dictatorships in South and Central America, but also mentions how much good he's done and how bad it was before him.
I was about to say this, But i don't blame him in the way that a newbie will always think like that if his wallet is not able to send lightning payments and onchain payments. That is why is so important for me to support wallets who can send payment in both (like phoenix and muun for example).
lol "My fault for not bringing cash, their fault for not accepting cards"
Guy unfamiliar with unbanked populations complains El Salvador isn't Costa Rica lol.
"Lightning which is another crypto currency?" Guy who only understands crypto trying to figure out why Bitcoin doesn't work the same way lol Galoy could have showed him how to do it too is the sad part.
Rest of the video is just bitching about El Salvador's government
really nice video so far, well done.
As a native Salvadoran, the comparisons to Dark Knight Rises are annoying.
I just want to point out, for maybe the fifteenth time, that dictators make Ethereum legal tender, not Bitcoin.
I like that wording, keep saying it, that's the first i've heard it put that way.
Bukele is also a businessman, he started in business and from a business family and everything he's done has been to increase ES economic position, which must arise from a safe environment.
He will eventually retire i believe and hopefully leave good institutions and culture for the next person.
The only danger is some dumbass military general he depends on for these operations getting a CIA pay day and ES is fucked again. This has happened before in other countries. I hope it does not. That's why it's so important for citizens to start using and learning bitcoin, it would exclude a potential dumbass general from actually doing anything if he tried. Shut down Chivo ? It's ok we have tons of other wallets. Shut down the internet ? we have tor and backups .
Bukele gave the people a rare chance. It's up to them to be smart enough take it.
Hard agree. Funneling BTC education into El Salvador is paramount.
I think a lot of us do recognize that as well — see Saif taking job in ES, etc.
Rolled my eyes his description about authoritarianism of El Salvador when it is exactly the same with the dystopian governments under the umbrella of the WEF.