Stealing implies non-consent. What OP did was presumably with consent because he decided what to charge for routes on his channels and he approved every spend that incurred fees. So was it actually stealing? Not really, but the outcome is the same, OP has fewer sats and nothing to show for it other than experience. Many node setups don't require a human to approve every step so these are especially vulnerable to wallet draining "attacks". But the operator presumably consented to running the automation in the first place.
Ok, thanks for explaining what you meant. I really think we hurt ourselves and dilute the impact of words like steal when we use them incorrectly. To turn it around, how does a node op using a low fee node to re-balance know WHY the node operator has a 1 sat fee set? It is easy to imply malice in others and virtue in ourselves. Its really foolish. Neither node operator can read the other's mind. If you offer anything a price below cost people will take it from you. Its a great deal! We all like to save money but when we are on the other end we don't like it that much.
Fo sho, Like if I push a button and I get a sat, I'll keep pressing the button. Then someone proves to me that I'm actually taking sats from their node and they do not consent to me "stealing". I'm a good guy so I stop pressing the button, but really they should harden their node so the button can't "steal" in the first place.