This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Zapple Pay worked for a few posts then it took a nap 😴
Working out, cleaning, reading
Working 🔨 Re-reading Thucydides Peloponnesian War, however. This quote from Book 1 — from the Corinthian embassy to the Spartans — struck me as oddly life applicable, sharing:
"You have never considered what manner of men are these Athenians with whom you will have to fight, and how utterly unlike yourselves. They are revolutionary; while you are conservative — careful only to keep what you have, originating nothing, and not acting even when action is most urgent. They are bold beyond their strength; they run risks which prudence would condemn; and in the midst of misfortune they are full of hope. Whereas it is your nature, though strong, to act feebly; when your plans are most prudent, to distrust them; and when calamities come upon you, to think that you will never be delivered from them."
Hey hey hey, little Friday is here gang, aka Thursday, one more day for the weekend to get here, so I wish you an amazing day and sending you a lot of good vibes, it seems it's a day for some pampering, something you like to do or want, for me it will be a candy bar and a big bag of chips and dip, tall glass of lemonade with ice and some music. Let's see what the day brings and go with the flow, I wanted to thank you for being and for taking the time to read my posts, remember that you matter and are important, be well and stay frosty my friend.
Stay frosty Andy!
You as well my friend, have a wonderful day and keep on keeping on!!
Workin, but daily stacking to cold storage and will be listening to some Bitcoin podcast on Fountain.
I started listening to Money Matters with Jack Mallers chatting with Jack Dorsey. Only about 20 mins in so far. 5 sats per minute for me today!
It's hot, muggy and I'm thinking how to make myself visible on V4V platforms. I startet here >>>
Day 89 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Morning! Any sign of the snail today?